What it is

The Reality Expansion Pack (REP) for X‑Plane 12 and 11 is an extension that substitutes various internal components of the simulator with customized ones, significantly heightening the realism.
It overhauls and improves the flight and ground dynamics, the default piston engine, the electrical system, the landing gear, and various other aspects of the aircraft, incorporating elements such as real-world physics, upgraded stereo sounds, and additional 3D features.
Additionally, REP offers a damage system, a maintenance hangar, and interactive tow, and ground checks.
By familiarizing yourself with REP, you can enhance your piloting skills through in-flight tips, which discreetly notify you of errors and provide solutions for rectifying them.
Why should I choose REP?
Here are the reworded reasons why users should consider purchasing the Reality Expansion Pack
- Cutting-edge Technology: REP pioneered a new class of add-ons for X‑Plane, akin to what A2A accomplished with Flight Simulator and P3D.
- Beware of Imitations: No other developer offers the same level of engine physics simulation as REP in the X‑Plane community.
- Abundant Resources: We provide a wealth of resources such as tutorials and how-tos to assist users.
- Continuous Learning: Each flight with REP offers opportunities for users to acquire new knowledge and skills.
- Ongoing Enhancements: We regularly introduce new features and upgrades, as evidenced by the numerous updates detailed on our blog over the past year.
- Free Upgrades: Users receive complimentary upgrades to their REP package whenever a new version is released, even for major revisions.
How to get it

The package is currently available for the following planes:
- Default XP11/12 Cessna 172SP
- Default XP12 Piper Super Cub
- Default XP12 Cirrus SR22
- Default XP11/12 Beechcraft Baron 58
- JustFlight Piper PA28 Arrow III
- JustFlight Piper PA29 Turbo Arrow III/IV
- JustFlight Robin DR400
- Carenado Cessna 210 Centurion
- Carenado Beechcraft Bonanza F33A
- Carenado Beechcraft Bonanza V35
- Carenado Beechcraft Baron 58
- Carenado Pilatus PC12
- Thranda Quest Kodiak
- Thranda DHC-2 Beaver
- Thranda Pilatus Turbo Porter
- SIAI-Marchetti SF.260
- ASDG Piper Super Cub (discontinued)