This article isn’t centered on X-Plane or aviation. Instead, it delves into a decision that has been looming since the inception of the initiative.

I extend my heartfelt gratitude to all involved in our projects: our team, beta testers, customers, and friends alike. I consider myself fortunate to derive fulfillment from my work at, which, despite not being my primary occupation, contributes to covering my expenses. Reflecting on how far this journey has taken us, I never imagined it would achieve such remarkable success.

It’s time to share this luck with people in need

We explored numerous approaches, ultimately selecting Kiva as our initial endeavor. Curious about what it entails? Allow us to share a snippet from their about page:

We are a non-profit organization with a mission to connect people through lending to alleviate poverty. Leveraging the internet and a worldwide network of microfinance institutions, Kiva lets individuals lend as little as $25 to help create opportunity around the world.

Isn’t it a fantastic tool? 😊
Since Christmas 2015, we’ve been actively assisting individuals by providing loans, and you can join in too. We’re genuinely enthusiastic about this endeavor!
Stay updated on our contributions here:

As of now, we don’t have any set schedules for activities on Kiva. However, we extend loans whenever possible.

But we’re planning to do more is experiencing growth, and collectively, we envision engaging in scheduled acts of benevolence, extending beyond our involvement with Kiva. In close proximity to my residence, there are individuals whom I consider to be heroes: Although their website is solely in Italian, their impactful endeavors resonate globally. They are dedicated to combating cancer through cutting-edge medical research. Contributing to their cause would be a significant achievement for me.

The essence lies in the fact that supporting our initiatives means extending aid to those in need. You have the power to make a difference simply by joining Kiva and initiating your own lending endeavors. So, why hesitate? 😉

Wishing everyone a Happy New Year!

Help us to help them
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