It’s some time that we do not provide any “official” news to the public about our work behind the scenes. Well…we have been very busy developing and testing what I think is the most interesting major update of the Reality
Reality Expansion Pack Update: v2.6.4
After upgrading HeadShake, it’s now time to update the Reality Expansion Pack. This new version works on two different fronts, fix minor issues and improve the flight dynamics on both XP11 and XP10. This update is free for the current
New Release: HeadShake v1.6
Eventually, we have a new HeadShake build. Thanks to the contribution of Craig Hupin on GitHub, this version introduces a new feature. Taxi Look Ahead While taxiing, the view turns basing on the rudder input and the aircraft direction. This
A new Carenado B58 repaint just hit the .org
A brand new repaint by Stefan just hit the .org file repository. This repaint is based on the beautiful livery of a Beechcraft 58 Baron with the registration PT-ICU. Built in 1971, the Baron was in service of the Parintins
HeadShake goes open source
HeadShake is now open source and everybody can contribute to its code!