Claudio Nicolotti, the founder of SimCoders, was recently featured in an interview with Dominic Smith on The discussion covers the origins of SimCoders, the development of the Reality Expansion Pack (REP), and some thoughts on the future of flight
Nhadrian Cessna C152 v5.0 released
One of the best freewares around…and it’s better than ever! Check it out here: Why this news here? Because, among other superb upgrades, these update brings a little bit of our code to you guys. A few weeks ago,
SimCoders moving to racing simulators
Very big news here to all of you guys. A major change in our business!
Reality Expansion Pack for Carenado B58 XP11 on its way to you

Carenado just released its new Baron 58 for X-Plane 11. We’re working on a Reality Expansion Pack for it. Beware, the current REP for the old B58 for XP10 won’t work with it. The new plane is just that, a
Reality Expansion Pack 3.5.11

We just released a new, small, update of REP. It is nothing fancy but it’s likely to be the last of the 3.5.x series.
This update is currently available via the SkunkCrafts Updater plugin only, but it’s likely to hit the store next week.