A new nice feature for the C210 and some improvements to the B58.
Reality Expansion Pack for Carenado B58 XP11 now available
A new Reality Expansion Pack is ready for the new Carenado Baron 58. It comes with all the features that made REP what it is now. Economic System included.
REP+FSEconomy now ready
The integration between FSEconomy and REP’s Economy System is now available with REP v4.1.0.
Public beta: REP+FSEconomy integration
After some weeks spent in testing it on a private server, the integration between FSEconomy and REP’s Economy System is now available on the public beta channel.
Update: Reality Expansion Pack v4.0.3
This is a small release of REP that fixes minor issues found in V4. It is available both on the store and via the SkunkCrafts Updater. But there is big news on the beta side. Public Beta There are interesting