I’m sure you all are eager to compare Carenado’s C210 + REP with a real world Cessna Centurion. The following video by dhowardair is surely interesting. It shows a cruise onboard N5221A. N5221A is a 1979 Cessna T210N Turbo Centurion. The only
A realistic hypoxia effect is coming with V2.3

We are close to release the Reality Expansion Pack V2.3 and with it you will get a newer hypoxia effect. It will be much more real than the default X-Plane’s one. Everytime you go up to the flight levels, the
Walking around the Bonanza
While we are busy working on REP 2.3 and the V35B, you may be interested in this video I’ve found on YouTube. It’s a recording of an inspection done by an awesome mechanic of the American Bonanza Society to an
How To: Manage an emergency with REP
Until the Reality Expansion Pack came to X-Plane, it was normal to fly the sim without worrying about emergencies, since no faults were simulated except those expressively set by the user.
Since the release of REP, however, many users eventually experienced various kind of emergencies.
In this how-to, we will take a look to the correct emergency management procedure.
The Reality Expansion Pack for the Bonanza F33A is available
We’re very happy and proud to release the Reality Expansion Pack for Carenado’s Bonanza F33A. It took hours and hours of work but finally we can say it’s ready. It’s packed with all the things that made the same package