After the release of the first REP package we took a little time to rest.
It was so little that few days after releasing v1.0.1 we started working on the new site, on new REP and HeadShake features and on a new plane
HeadShake updates to v1.3 and opens to new developers
Few days ago, the guys from asked me to make the plugin more compatible with other addons. I think that’s a good idea beacause a better integration with other plugins (yeah, TrackIr too) is just a simple way to
HeadShake 1.2 and some news
HeadShake 1.2 After a long time out of sight, the build of HeadShake 1.2 is ready. This is a bug fix release so do not expect new features in it. This release is mainly related to solve two bugs reported
Headshake v1.0 is out in time for Christmas
Marry Christmas to you all! This is my gift to the X-Plane worldwide community. Finally, the stable version is out. There are few changes over the last version: Multimonitor compatibility: The major change is the multimonitor compatibility checkbox. Enable it only
HeadShake is Release Candidate
After so much work, the plugin is almost done. You can download the plugin from the HeadShake page. I’ve made some major improvements according to what the users have asked in the past weeks. The most important are the touchdown