Strolling around on YouTube, I found a video of a Cessna Centurion blowning up a tire on landing. The pilot was training for short field landings but braked too hard, especially on the left tire, causing a wheel blockage. Remember:
In this post we will talk about mineral oils for our airplane engine. How should you take care of oil with the Reality Expansion Pack?
This is a long topic so we’re gonna walk through a series of questions that will end with the most important: which oil should you choose for your engine?
We are close to release the Reality Expansion Pack V2.3 and with it you will get a newer hypoxia effect. It will be much more real than the default X-Plane’s one. Everytime you go up to the flight levels, the
Until the Reality Expansion Pack came to X-Plane, it was normal to fly the sim without worrying about emergencies, since no faults were simulated except those expressively set by the user.
Since the release of REP, however, many users eventually experienced various kind of emergencies.
In this how-to, we will take a look to the correct emergency management procedure.