The Reality Expansion Pack menu can be vertically moved along the left side of the screen by setting a custom vertical offset. To do so, in REP’s settings menu, change the value of the “Lateral menu vertical offset” option.
VATSIM Event Giveaway : VATSTAR’s 7th Anniversary Flight
On Saturday June 25, 2022, VATSTAR will celebrate its 7th Anniversary with a VATSIM event. will take part as sponsor, providing three REP licences of choice as giveway to three lucky pilots that will fly with VATSTAR that day.
Update: Reality Expansion Pack v4.6.0
This update is freely available for current customers via the SkunkCrafts Updater or by downloading the full package from the store. This is a major update that improves all the REP packages. Experimental Flight Model support for all REPs In V4.6.0 we mainly
Update: REP v4.4.6
Another free update of the Reality Expansion Pack is available on the store or using the SkunkCrafts Updater. Minor changes affect all packages but the big ones are related to the SF.260 and the Kodiak. SF.260 improvements Pitch stability If we use a joystick with
Does REP work on XP11.50 Beta?
This is the question raised by many users since yesterday when Laminar released XP11.50b1 which introduces Vulkan. The Reality Expansion Pack is supposed to work out of the box with it. By the way, we do not provide official support