The Reality Expansion Pack for the JustFlight Robin DR400 models the plane and the Lycoming O-360-A3A with unmatched realism!
Release: Reality Expansion Pack for JustFlight DR400

The Reality Expansion Pack for the JustFlight Robin DR400 models the plane and the Lycoming O-360-A3A with unmatched realism!
A brand new free update is now available to all the simcoders Reality Expansion Pack users. This update can be downloaded from the store or using the SkunkCrafts Updater. Improved VR Walkaround and Towing The major problem with the v4.4
A new update of the Reality Expansion Pack for X-Plane is here to stay. We did a lot of work for this update and really it is a leap forward from older versions, especially on the engine side. This update targets
The Reality Expansion Pack for Carenado’s B58 Baron is going to hit the beta testing phase so I’m doing some fine refinements to the flight dynamics. While I was doing that, I took two screenshots of the engine instruments together with the
This how-to is focused on mixture leaning. Correctly controlling the mixture is really important for both the health and the performance of our beloved engines. The Reality Expansion Pack now cares about how you lean the mixture and how you